Heat Cable Warranties - Utah Heat Cable: Commercial Grade Heat Tape & Ice Dam Prevention Cables

Heat Cable Warranties

Make sure that you’re protected!

You’ll need to ask yourself and your installer a lot of questions before having your heat cable installed. A very important one is what kind of warranty you are getting! Did you know that many heat cable installers will sell you a warranty that isn’t even valid from the beginning? When you’ve invested in a heat cable system, you want to know that you’re covered if something malfunctions. Whether or not you choose us as your installer, these are questions that you want to ask. Continue reading to learn the ways that other companies will try to pull one over on you, and the ways that we make sure that our customers are protected.

What kind of breaker is being used?

Self regulating heat cable requires a GFEP (Ground Fault Equipment Protection) breaker to protect your system. It is similar to a GFCI, which you may be familiar with as it is standard on outlets in many homes. This breaker will help to prevent your system from tripping every time that you turn it on. If your system does not have a GFEP installed and you have an issue down the road, chances are your warranty will be void.

What kind of accessories are being used?

These accessory kits include end caps, seals, T-connections, and other things that are used to put your system together. You’ll want to make sure that these are quality accessories. If your warranty is through the cable manufacturer, you’ll want to make sure that the accessories are permitted to be used per the warranty. Would you buy a fancy new TV and then mount it on your wall with cheap accessories? Of course not! Also, some manufacturers of heat cable require certain accessories to be used. If you end up needing to use your warranty in the future and cheap accessories were used, your warranty could be invalid.

Make sure that your system is tested

When your system is installed, there’s more to making sure that it works than just turning it on and seeing if it heats up. Make sure that your installer does a megger or insulation test – or make sure that you do, if you are going the DIY route! This test will send a high amount of voltage through your system and search for faults. Once you have your readings, make sure that those numbers are documented by yourself or by your installer. If you have an issue with your system, the manufacturer will likely want to know those numbers. If you don’t have them, you may not have your warranty to rely on.

Is your installer qualified?

This should be an obvious one, but it is very much worth mentioning. Make sure that you have hired a qualified installer to install your heat cable. If the provider of the warranty finds out that a non-qualified installer was the one who installed your product, they are not required to allow you to use your warranty for future repairs. On that note, find out who is providing you with the warranty. Is it the manufacturer of the cable, or the installer? Our recommendation is to get your warranty in writing from either or both sources.

We make sure that you are taken care of

At Wasatch Heat Cable, we make sure that our warranty is bulletproof in protecting you and your heat cable system. We use accessories that are meant to last and permitted through our heat cable provider. Our technicians are qualified, and heat cable is not something that we “also” do, it’s what we solely do. We know the ins and outs of providing you with not only a system that will work and last, but also a warranty to protect you in the event that something goes wrong.

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North Salt Lake, UT 84054


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